AJAX - 2019

After Sophocles. Adapted by Robert Johnson & Jonathan Graffam.

23 APRIL - 04 MAY 2019, THE OLD 505 THEATRE

In Association with The Old 505 Theatre.

At the end of the Trojan War, Ajax is denied his friend Achilles’ armour. After 10 years of constant war he snaps. Ashamed of his deeds, he plans to kill himself. His wife and child do their best to change his mind.

This rarely performed tragedy shines a light powerful themes of themes of death, commitment and war.

Burning House revisits their 2016 adaption of AJAX in a brand new production.

Photos by Mansoor Noor.



Producer / Director / Adapter / Designer - Robert Johnson

Producer - Jessica Doutch

Stage Manager - Noel Milligan

Cultural Consultant - Les Attalah



Ajax - Seton Pollock

Tekmessa - Michelle Robertson

Odysseus - Chad O’ Brien

Eurysaka - Leikne Middleton


“Sydney is very fortunate to be able to bear witness to this well thought out and intelligent production . . . a stellar performance.” - Lisa Thatcher Reviews

“Our alertness and fight or flight level of adrenal engagement is unparalleled in recent Sydney indie theatre.”
- Theatre Travels

“Raw, intense, strong and shattering. Chillingly directed by Robert Johnson.” - Arts Hub

“Bone chilling, utterly intense . . . “Ajax” is a strong, powerful piece of theatre, and comes recommended just as strongly.” - Chuck Moore Reviews About